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Do I have to have previous background in Martial Arts?No, we can work with and teach all levels. We actually find it easier to teach beginners, so we don't have to correct bad habits from the past!
Do I have to be in good shape before I start?No, you will get into shape as you train. It's important to take training at whatever pace you need when you're getting started and the fitness will come! We provide a supportive environment to push yourself in.
I am {blank} years old, am I too old to start martial arts?No, you are not too old to begin martial arts training. We have students who are ranging from 16 years old up to 60!
What is MMA?MMA stands for Mixed Martial Arts. It is a sport that is a combination of Kickboxing, Wrestling, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu among various other martial arts! Our gym specializes in Wrestling, Muay Thai Kickboxing, and Brazilian Jiujitsu.
I am very busy with my work schedule, how much time do I need to devote to classes?Two 1 1/2 hour classes per week are recommended for beginning students and more for those who wish to compete!
What sort of things should I consider when choosing a school?All gyms have a different vibe and offer free trials; try as many as you can and find the one that best suits your needs. We believe that everyone should train in the space where they're most comfortable and that is the most fun for them!
I would like to fight. How do I start?Everyone is different and will progress at different rates, so it's impossible to say for certain. A student with no prior experience and full commitment should be ready to fight within a year or two.
I'm a Black Belt/Muay Thai Champion/etc... can I work or teach for you?Short answer: No, we only hire from our longterm student base and gym family. We appriecate the thought though. Long answer: Yes, but you have to train with us for years and put in your time until we know and trust you before we trust you with our students and gym.
What are your current Covid screening policies and requirements?Currently we are following the most current and up to date guidelines put out by our local and state government. You can find those guidelines through the state website or searching google. If you wish for more information, drop us a message and we can share our specfic gym plan and safety video we have made for current members. Thanks!
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